Sunday, June 6, 2010

sometimes it's to hot to blog.

canal street.
june 3. 2010.

well, actually i've just been busy doing many things to keep up on this here besos jam, so sorry about that..
some of these activities inlude: doing a major studio rehaul, painting, organizing the collection project, BBQ-ing, beach-ing, meetings, gardening, selling clothes, and generally trying not to schvitz through everything too much. (what happened to spring?? it's like 9 million degrees in my apartment right now and it feels too early to turn on the AC-a slippery slope as once it's on, it's hard to turn off).
anyhoo, i've got loads of pictures to share and a long overdue outfit post-i promise to try to get that up here in the next week! hope y'all are enjoying your spring flings.

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