our first themed potluck was a smash success..full of flowery hair+flamenco inspired flair. though yet again (really becoming a habit-oops), i was having too much fun (+cava sangria) to document the evening..but we sure had a blast.
everyone brought something absolutely delicious to eat-handmade chorizo by ben, quail egg chorizo bites by sam+patrick, fried balls of delight by cedez, meat cakes by katie, ceviche by adam+claire, chocolate bites by angela, ice cream sandwiches by elizabeth, serrano wrapped asparagus+vegan dip by turner, citrus rice by george+dana, a chickpea pleasantry by chris+rachel, and mi senor whipped up a few delectable tapas including homemade tortilla, pinxto atun, croquetas y pan tumaca..while i love eating food, i am certainly not known for my kitchen skills..so, instead of whipping up a tapa, i focused all my energy into fashioning a cava sangria. (which i'd say was received very well+is certain to be on many menus to come!)
muchas gracias amigos...you are undeniably the best.