Thursday, June 5, 2008

valli and vegas

between giambattista and gambling is where the inspiration lies..
ok. i swear last post.
must sleep.
shoes keep me up at night.
found on madame shoes for about $50..not the same but quite a steal considering the $700 something pricetag on the victoria shoe mary kate and rhianna made famous.

a teaser

natacha chamarro is a genius.
daphne guinness tipped me off [in the NYtimes styles section a few months ago] to the notion of stripper shoe comfort which lead me to these tawdry towerful numbers..i will post some cheaper versions in a few days..
i'm on blog hiatus for a few as of now. forgive me lords of blogtown, i am moving all day today. it's 6am. i haven't slept yet. a friend who is now a man with a van is to arrive at 11am..
the bed and almost everything will go over the river today. the blog issue is that i don't yet have internet at my new place..which is of the utmost importance obviously.
but for now i leave you with these splendid stilettos.
besos for now
more fotos to follow.

post post femme capitalism

i have a long post about stripper/fetish shoes to follow.
but i thought these were a funny start.
thank you to amy for reminding me..

the 'retricycle' gets some press

see artlovers new york
thank you to nancy smith for the shout out.
also a pic by a supreme thing

think pink

summertime steez on dustin.
with common paint on me + white lightning< + the enthusiast

living in new york

means you might have accumulated a lot of black shoes..
these aren't even all of them.
oi vey,i have a shopping problem.

..they say admitting it is half..but it sure doesn't seem that way.

space gallery presents:

their 3rd annual polaroid auction, where xabi and i are both showing [and hopefully selling] some square fotos..
if you live in portland maine or know somebody who does..the opening is this friday from 6-9.
see here for details.


inevitably inefficient

in honor of obama's nomination

does anybody want a nixon'72 pendant for irony..
ebay y'all.

sharice goes to brooklyn

she's been back and forth to brooklyn more than twice now. with one each, of a ride in a uHaul truck, taxi cab, livery car, and last but not least- the subway...after all of this, she's become quite a quiet traveler. she was like a pro on the subway-not even a minor meow.

boxed up baubles

lady lizzE, or the winsome white lightning, if you'd rather just posted a bit about habitual collections..and i thought i'd respond with a few visuals of my own..

p.s. packing stuff sucks..especially when you've been somewhere for nearly 5 years.. extra-especially when you collect everything.

p.p.s. both her mom and my mom got rid of all their cool things.. and now we never can..