a raucous good ole july 4th weekend...unexpectedly spent in LA+not on our roof. (apologies again to those who called+texted at the door 3000 miles away when i didn't answer the buzzer;)
while it was awesome+full of goodness, those dodger stadium fireworks ain't got shit on the river jams..just saying, the right side is still just that for some things.
one of my beautiful college bff's, my dearest kaia bella became mrs. kaia cunningham in a gorgeous gloucester wedding to her senor ben two weekends ago...the forecast had predicted rain showers but we were were spared +got nothing but a couple of drips here and there to interrupt the perfection...a good sign for a long life of love and luck. +as i said in my speech, i wish you two only the best for always!! xo the wizard (my favorite nickname i've ever received courtesy of ben:)