these days, the words drum and circle in combination rarely hold much appeal..but last weeks loomstate/pamela love/spoke visuals MAGNIFICENT EARTH situation was absolute perfection. hell, i might even go as far as saying it was my favorite fashion party i've attended..ever? in no small part, because it attracted not just the usual fashion cuties but also a slew of my favorite musically inclined buddies.
now, as has lately been the case, i was too busy getting groovy (with some favorite babes of blogtown- kat, elizabeth, and laia) +seeing all my aforementioned friends-to stop+take any fotos of the actual (40 drummer!) circle...
but just before we left, i remembered about this here blog+the whole foto-thing-that-i-do, so, i snapped these few shots in the hallway on our way out...
so, in conclusion, can we do this again?
i liked it very much.