for a chance misty mountain meet up!
after driving all afternoon from san louis obispo to big sur, xabi+i were delighted by this brown car vista.
so, our caravan team stopped at the next pull off spot...xabi+i went down the hill to shoot the car while the rest of the gang kicked it up the hill.
upon our return i see our friends talking to some kids..upon closer inspection, they weren't just kids but kids we know and love! none other than, mr. brandon hoy, senor gabe rosner and their tavelling companions...(you may know them from santa fe or robertas or lucy's or second stop or union pool or because we're buddies with all the same people..)
it was a really whaaaat moment!?
que random y magnifique!
after laughs, fotos and gifts of the most desired kind, we went our own separate ways. north.
anyway it was a team awesome chance encounter that none of will forget or ever believed it could happen.
(yea doggy!!)
so lesson of the day kids, put your dreams into the universe+see what comes ahead.
it might be everything you wished for and so much more.