*my i love you ring is gone, it fell off at the albertan's show on friday. mercedez+i were in the bathroom at glasslands. i'd just wrapped up shooting polaroids of the show for the band, i look down+it's vanished...
MY FAVORITE ONE! gone. this makes no sense, as i've worn it everyday since i got it was gifted to me, just before my birthday in '06, in rain+cold+a fair few nights of debauchery...i was in a sober state+in a warm venue. why now?
i found my dream ring at a vintage jewelry shop uptown..made in the 50's, with the most amazing construction, probably specially made for someone specific who new the value of radical word jewelry decades before the carrie necklace...now, i know it's just a material object but i wore it everyday+i loved it sooooo very much during every minute of the day..herumph...
this loss almost completely ruined my whole night. though i pushed through (until 7am--spanish style dance party was in order), i am still
completely devastated.
so, if anyone sees this ring on anyone anywhere, but especially in the nyc metropolitan area, please get it from them. i will bribe for it back.
pretty please come back to me.