Thursday, October 29, 2009

she wore the leopard skin pillbox hat.

if you watch long enough-you will see her in my dream leopard fur coat..those bell sleeves+real dreams are actually made of this...

so i present you with the rough draft of my edie sedgewick look...
i figured i should do a trial run as i am a major make up novice..i mean i can do blush+kohl+the basics but when it comes to eyebrows+liquid liner--not so much practice..anyhoo-i think it turned out pretty aiyght..gonna take it to the streets on saturday....

mi senor might gussy up as my bob dylan stay tuned-should be some fun fotos to come.


hard liquor; soft holes said...

FANTASTIC. kinda dead-on?

Anonymous said...

puuurfecto! love it. what are you and the lovely senõr gonna do for weenie night?!?!? we would love to see ya. think we are 3rd warding it.
it's been way to long.

rem said...

I´m floored... you really look more like her than you. Xabi will make a perfect Bob Dylan.

turnstyle1 said...

AMAZERZ!!!! are you going to slur your speech to sound like her?