Thursday, February 21, 2008

deer in headlights

i need to go spend a few days in a row at home, so i can shoot this properly. with my mamiya. but this is the way it goes in the new jersey suburbs..
dear deer accessorized with a plastic earring and choker.


brendan donnelly said...

duh? thats why i live in connecticut. trees, animals, sunlight. let's see....wake up in an apartment with screaming chinese kids and the smell of burning rice from the chinese bakery below the apartment filling daves apt, get dressed and walk in the cold a few blocks to get a coffee and paper and fight over seats at the cafe to us free wi fi...


wake up in a quiet house that smells like scented candles, wear pj's all day, walk down stairs to a fresh pot of coffee and a paper, use free wifi from my bed and always have the cable box running..

choose your own adventure

besos y fotos: the virtual sketchbook said...

true, true..except there's not nearly as much delivery food in nj. and i like that shit.