i just signed on to make a blog. as people keep saying i should. hell, turner really made a point of it on thursday night. a delight as always, she's a true believer and always provides a swift career kick in the pants..so blogging and jewelry monograms and fresh grapefruit vodka drinks on a blinking dance floor. well it brought me to this..
yet, apparently, i've already had this thought. as, here it is. already set up and begun. my birthday was last week. and i done got older. it happens.. so's i decided it's time to share. like it's '07. look forward to more frequent updates. and i will remember to look forward.to onwards and to upwards.
p.s.god bless lucy. she is the queen of the city. and she's got a dynamite attitude. and she gave me a free shot of jaeger for my birthday. like any good dive bar mamicita would.
p.p.s. mercedez took note. literally: of a 10/20:6:20 am quote."(you gotta be good lookin', or else i'm not interested)...you gotta be good at what you're doin'. and you gotta look good doin'it."..so true.............................and then i took note of hers at 7 am.."not everyone gets a jab to the heart. i've been lucky"....
just because we've done gotten old. i mean older, doesn't mean we can't still...recognize.
woopa--suz.e.Q's on the line.